
Virginia Tech Men's Rugby: 2019-2020 Review

Alumni, Friends, Family, and Fans of Virginia Tech Men's Rugby, I hope that this update finds you well and safe during this difficult time. I am reaching out to all of you to give you an update on our team and club as a whole and to hopefully put a smile on your face as we look over an extremely unique year for Virginia Tech Men's Rugby. Our season started this past August, as always, but things were not as they have been in previous years.  We started our year without a head coach.  When we first began to meet as a team, team leadership and myself made the message clear to everyone on our roster that this year was on us.  We knew what had to be done because of the foundation laid down before us.  We greatly miss our previous head coaches Mike Cirbee and Paul Caron, but we did not feel as if their impression was absent. Thanks to their hard work of past years, we believed that we had the proper base and formula to make ourselves into a legitimate squad. We se...